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 浙江电视台《留学世界》卫星数字频道开播于2004年6月1日,是目前我国唯一一家以留学服务和教育培训为主题的电视专业频道。 它以权威、及时、实效为服务宗旨,为观众提供系统、全面、有效的外语教学、国际职业教育培训及出国留学资讯服务。 频道与国内颇负盛名的语言培训机构联手打造集权威性、实用性和趣味性为一体的留学外语“雅思”考试等电视教学课程,大学英语四级等应试网络教学课程;与政府部门、各国驻华使领馆、门户网站、全球知名院校构建高效顺畅的信息交流网络,搭建国内最大的互动交流平台,沟通从心开始! 频道设置的栏目主要分为资讯服务类、教育培训类和专题节目类三部分。内容包括留学资讯服务、各层次外语教学、留学生活记录、实用留学攻略、世界名校介绍及择校分析、留学人员国内外创业指南、以及可看性极强的各类国内外专题节目。

As China’s only national digital television specialty service focusing on English and vocational education as well as study abroad information gathering, Study Abroad Channel of Zhejiang TV, launched on 1st June 2004, offers a unique blend of enlightening and entertaining programming designed to challenge, inform, enrich and educate. Study Abroad Channel is built on the premise that we seek to include all high quality English language courses catering for different age groups ranging from children to adults alongside with credit courses from prominent career colleges around the globe. We aim to achieve the highest standards of excellence in creating a world class martial arts brand. We will be to martial arts, what MTV is to music, Bloomberg is to finance, or Discovery is to documentaries. We seek to be the authoritative source of knowledge, information, and entertainment for martial arts. We understand that the martial arts mean a huge amount to hundreds of millions of people worldwide in their daily lives, and as such we are dedicated to serving this loyal community. We ask you to join us on our journey, to share, to contribute and to enjoy.